Two types of colossal magnetoresistance with distinct mechanisms in Eu5In2As6
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Electronic structure of the honeycomb iridate Cu2IrO3 at high pressures
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Colossal magnetoresistance from spin-polarized polarons in an Ising system
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Topological Hall effect induced by chiral fluctuations in ErMn6Sn6
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Nonlinear optical diode effect in a magnetic Weyl semimetal
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Manipulating magnetism and transport properties of EuCd2P2 with a low carrier concentration
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Characterization of the magnetocaloric effect in RMn6Sn6 including high-entropy forms
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Engineering Anomalously Large Electron Transport in Topological Semimetals
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Signatures of a Majorana-Fermi surface in the Kitaev magnet Ag3LiIr2O6
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Momentum-independent magnetic excitation continuum in the honeycomb iridate H3LiIr2O6
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Introducing the monoclinic polymorph of the honeycomb magnet Na2Co2TeO6
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Extreme sensitivity of the magnetic ground state to halide composition in FeCl3-xBrx
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Observation of Fermi arcs and Weyl nodes in a noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal
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Spin-carrier coupling induced ferromagnetism and giant resistivity peak in EuCd2P2
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Spin-orbital order and excitons in magnetoresistive HoBi
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Stripe helical magnetism and two regimes of anomalous Hall effect in NdAlGe
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Topological Hall effect and spiral magnetic order in the Weyl semimetal SmAlSi
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Gravitational anomaly in the ferrimagnetic topological Weyl semimetal NdAlSi
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Sign change of anomalous Hall effect and anomalous Nernst effect in the Weyl semimetal CeAlSi
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Visualization of bulk and edge photocurrent flow in anisotropic Weyl semimetals
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Optical properties and carrier localization in the layered phosphide EuCd2P2
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Plethora of tunable Weyl fermions in kagome magnet Fe3Sn2
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Large phonon thermal Hall conductivity in the antiferromagnetic insulator Cu3TeO6
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Pressure dependent magnetic properties on bulk CrBr3 single crystals
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Anisotropy of the magnetic and transport properties of EuZn2As2
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First demonstration of tuning between the Kitaev and Ising limits in a honeycomb lattice
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Metastable Kitaev Magnets
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Mapping domain-wall topology in the magnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi
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Enhanced hybridization in the electronic ground state of the intercalated honeycomb iridate Ag3LiIr2O6
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AC Susceptometry of 2D van der Waals Magnets Enabled by the Coherent Control of Quantum Sensors
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Complex pressure-temperature structural phase diagram of the honeycomb iridate Cu2IrO3
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Antiferromagnetic Order and Spin-Canting Transition in the Corrugated Square Net Compound Cu3(TeO4)(SO4)·H2O
2D correlations in the van der Waals ferromagnet CrBr3 using high-frequency electron spin resonance spectroscopy
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Accessing New Magnetic Regimes by Tuning the Ligand Spin-orbit Coupling in Van der Waals Magnets
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Transient Grating Measurements at Ultralow Probe Power
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Thermodynamic Evidence of Proximity to a Kitaev Spin Liquid in Ag3LiIr2O6
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Spin Excitations of a Proximate Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid Realized in Cu2IrO3
Coexistence of Static and Dynamic Magnetism in the Kitaev Spin Liquid Material Cu2IrO3
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Tuning the Magnetic and Structural Properties of a Three-Metal Boride Alloy
Mykola Abramchuk, Thomas Mier, Fazel Tafti
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Crystal Chemistry and Phonon Heat Capacity in Quaternary Honeycomb Delafossites: Cu[Li1/3Sn2/3]O2 and Cu[Na1/3Sn2/3]O2
Mykola Abramchuk, Oleg I. Lebedev, Olle Hellman, Faranak Bahrami, Natalia E. Mordvinova, Jason W. Krizan, Kenneth R. Metz, David Broido, and Fazel Tafti
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Interplay of Magnetism and Transport in HoBi
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Effect of Hydrothermal Conditions on Superconductivity and Magnetism in [Li1-x FexOH]FeS
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Au Dendrite Electrocatalysts for CO2 Electrolysis
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Measurement of the atomic orbital composition of the near-fermi-level electronic states in the lanthanum monopnictides LaBi, LaSb, and LaAs
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Controlling Magnetic and Optical Properties of the van der Waals Crystal CrCl3−xBrx via Mixed Halide Chemistry
Mykola Abramchuk, Samantha Jaszewski, Kenneth R. Metz, Gavin B. Osterhoudt, Yiping Wang, Kenneth S. Burch, Fazel Tafti
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Extreme Magnetoresistance in the Topologically Trivial Lanthanum Monopnictide LaAs
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Cu2IrO3: a New Magnetically Frustrated Honeycomb Iridate
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Tuning the Electronic and the Crystalline Structure of LaBi by Pressure
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